Monday, February 28, 2005

March Nights

I started night shift last night (11pm to 7am) and will be at these hours for the rest of March. March is most likely my last month of dispatcher training, then it's to AWP, then I'm possibly on my own and doing my thing any of the three shifts (it's up in the air right now). I like night shift. It's pretty laid back--a lot quieter, with the exception of Friday and Saturday night. Bad guys have to work too and they usually don't go stirring up trouble on the week days in the wee hours. Night Shift Allie and I got to talking about the Chupacabra last night. She knows quite a bit about it--maybe too much? I think the Chupacabra just scored some points on my list of favorite mythical creatures. I also got to thinking if mythical creatures ever change styles with their times. It seems they never change--we always picture them the same. But you'd think mythical creatures would grow, change, gain new perspectives. Was bigfoot's hair more feathered a few decades back? I digress.


Anthony Robinson said...

I once wrote a poem that won a prize and it had a chupacabra in it.

Anonymous said...

I like that song about chupacabra..

btw funny you mention a feathered big foot.. bigfoot legends evolved from legends of a giant "bird man" of sorts..

I don't really know but thought it would be cool...